Where the rational and the supernatural collide.
"Gnosis is the common Greek noun for knowledge (in the nominative case γνῶσις f.). In the context of the English language gnosis generally refers to the word's meaning within the spheres of Christian mysticism, Mystery religions and Gnosticism where it signifies 'spiritual knowledge' in the sense of mystical enlightenment."
"The human need for religion cannot be excommunicated from culture by rationalist incantation. Human beings do not live by reason alone. Life is more complex than rationalism allows. Reason has its limits and can never displace the deeper level of engagement with reality that is the essence of religious belief and practice. The rationalist lives in an impoverished, restricted world, defined by what reason alone can prove. Yet beyond those restrictions lies a whole new vibrant world awaiting discovery and disclosure. It does not defy or contradict reason; it simply lies beyond its scope."
monkey-back guaranteed if not holy
Hey Michael,
Chris here signing in under the cloak of anonymity! I like this Dolls Gone Wild Series. Not exactly sure why, but I do. It seems to have this 50s vibe with a little ironic twist without it being nasty or too negatively judgemental. Just sort of emphasizing certain elements & juxtaposing them to give the viewer, or at least me, this sort of altered reality feel. Good Job!
dude, you have issues,
but you work with them.
It's nice i like it:)
Dolls are scary. The Brother's Quay knew where to hit me where it hurts! You've been busy, busy!
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