Greetings, Earthlings...

Welcome to Beyond the Limits of Reason, the meeting point for all things Michael Doubrava.

Michael Doubrava profile

I was born on Earth during the second half of the twentieth century.

Untitled (San Lorenzo, New Mexico)

Untitled (San Lorenzo, New Mexico)
A metaphor for the conflict between rationality and emotion; betweeen Apollo and Dionysus; between the empirical and the supernatural; between stasis and revolution...

our motto and mission is to

tickle the idiot
rapture the faithful
pity all the ignorant and hateful

illuminate the enlightened
confound the intellectual
with life distilled flood memory's temple

August 15, 2008

Dolls Gone Wild


Anonymous said...

Hey Michael,

Chris here signing in under the cloak of anonymity! I like this Dolls Gone Wild Series. Not exactly sure why, but I do. It seems to have this 50s vibe with a little ironic twist without it being nasty or too negatively judgemental. Just sort of emphasizing certain elements & juxtaposing them to give the viewer, or at least me, this sort of altered reality feel. Good Job!

Anonymous said...

dude, you have issues,
but you work with them.
It's nice i like it:)

Hollywood Russ said...

Dolls are scary. The Brother's Quay knew where to hit me where it hurts! You've been busy, busy!

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